Grocery shopping at Martin’s in Hagerstown this afternoon, I accidentally lost my iPhone… while I was loading or unloading my shopping cart it apparently slipped out of my shirt pocket into the empty cart and I didn’t realize it.
Halfway back to Shepherdstown, I reached for my phone to check the time and it was gone. I was really upset.
I pulled the car over to the side of Interstate 81 and searched it top to bottom… went through the grocery bags… looked between the front seats. It wasn’t there.
I turned around and headed back to the Hagerstown Martin’s. I asked at the management desk if anyone had turned in my iPhone…and lo and behold there it was.
Someone very nicely turned it in and I was extremely lucky to get it back. As my wife pointed out, back in New York or even in Hartford, I never would have seen it again.
Filed under: Legal, News, Opinion, Technology, Warning, Word from Bill Tagged: Apple, Hagerstown, Hagerstown Maryland, Handhelds, iPhone, Shepherdstown West Virginia, Smartphones, Steve Jobs